69 Type of Kisses - Part 2- 25 - RENDEZVOUS KISSWith a note or phone call, tell your love to meet you at a certain place and time (e.g. park bench, street corner, ice cream stand) for a present. When your love arrives, have a bow stick to your lips.- 26 - BATH KISSJust enter in the bathroom with force when you lover in bathing and Surprise your love with a flood of kisses while she is showering or in the tub. But beware (WARNING: Prepare to get wet)- 27 - MACHINE GUN KISSGet a rapid succession, plant 11 continous kisses, quick ones on your lover's lips.- 28 - KISS-A-THONPassionately kiss your partner for at least five minute longer than usual.- 29 - PINK PANTHER KISSJust Humming the Pink Panther theme, Just prowl toward your lover. On the high note, pounce and pucker. Suggestion-wear only pink!- 30 - THIRST QUENCHER KISSFor no reason, stare at your love's mouth while licking your lips as though dying of thirst. Inevitably, your love will ask what you're doing. ANSWER: I want them! I have to have them! I yearn to drink from them! Then ask for a kiss to quench your thirst!- 31 - GREAT EXPECTATIONS KISSTell your love parnter on the morning that he or she will soon get a fabulous kiss. Later, call you love with a reminder. And When next you see your partner, pull out the stops and plant a long, hot, passionate kiss.- 32 - GOODBYE * 2 KISSSay bye. Send off your soulmate in the morning with a quick kiss. As your love turns to leave, just pull him or her back for a second, more passionate kiss- 33 - RIDDLE KISSAsk you love to solve the following riddle:I am just two and twoI am warm, I am cold,I am lawful, unlawfulA duty, a faultI am often sold dear,Good for nothing when bought;an extraordinary boon,and a matter of course,and yielding with pleasureWhen taken by force.If your love solves it, ask for a demonstration as proof. If he or she cannot show the answer, of course, the answer is a kiss.- 34 - KISS MANDATECommand your love to kiss you. Elaborate on the technique you expect (e.g. long and wet, or the way Rhett kissed Scarlett) and where and when you will get it.- 35 - UNEXPECTED KISSWhen the two of you are doing the usual, lean over and give your love a sweet kiss on the cheek for no good reason and whisper...I LOVE YOU!- 36 - POST OFFICE KISSNotify your love you have personal mail to deliver. Pull your love into the nearest dark closet; close the door and play POST OFFICE: No instructions included!- 37 - KNOCK-KNOCK KISSStage the following knock-knock joke with your love:KNOCK KNOCKWho is there?KissKiss who?Kiss who? Why me, of course!- 38 - BEGGAR`S KISSThat's right, on your knees with your hands clasped, plead for any kiss you love is humbly willing to give you!- 39 - TOOTHPASTE KISSBrush your teeth together. When your love's mouth is all sudsy, plant a big wet one on the lips. WARNING: MAKE SURE TOOTHBRUSHES ARE OUT OF THE WAY!- 40 - PALM KISSHold your love partner's chin with your palm, sweet smile and deliver a long relexing sweet kiss to his or her lips!- 41 - 30 KISSESInform your love that in honor of the 30th of the month, you will kiss him or her 30 times during the day!- 42 - CAT KISSRub against your love's legs while meowing and purring. Now that you have your love's attention, touch noses. Playfully paw your love while moving in for a kiss.- 43 - EYELID KISSWhile kissing your love, watch for his or her eyes to close. Sweetly place a light kiss on each eyelid. Note: Be careful!- 44 - EAR KISSWhisper to your love how special he or she is to you, and then seal your message with an ear kiss!- 45 - VALENTINE KISSCelebrate Valentine's Day with kisses in the shape of a "V" on the face of your lover.- 46 - FOOTBALL KISSAfter a pass during a football game, kiss your love.- 47 - SLEEPING BEAUTY KISSAwaken your love from slumber with a tender kiss on the lips!- 48 - No-Cal KissAfter dinner, give your love a no-calorie desert...your lips.49. Strawberry KissJust Hold a juicy fresh strawberry between your lips. And Beckon your lover to kiss it away.50. Noodle KissPlan for a romantic Italian dinner and Go out at night. Just orders something with long noodles on table. When the time is right, each take an end of a noodle and draw it to your mouths until your lips meet for a kiss.