Kissing is the most sensational part in a couple's life. As valentine's day is approaching, so a couple would definitely want to make most out of it. There is a definite art of how to kiss. Know it before you indulge yourself in this sensous feeling. After all, one wouldn't like to make a mess of it! You shall definitely want this experience to stay close to your heart - one which can be remembered for the days to come. Especially on valentine's day kiss is most important for many of the couples.
What to do before the kiss on valentine's day?
To make your valentine's day more special, your lips should be in the proper order before you both get down to kissing. Your beloved shall definitely want to kiss smooth and luscious lips which sweet and not dry on this lovers day, valentine's day. Get to know the tactics of how to get kissable lips and invite your partner more to this act.
Basics of kissble lips:1.The lips should be exfoliated with sugar. It makes the lips turn soft.
2.Keep in mind to moisturize your lips as well.3.The lips should be relaxed and do it by parting them slightly.4.You should always look alluring. You body language should make it all clear - your face, the right eye contact and the sexy smile on your face should all speak.
Someone has to take the initiative to break the barrier of touch. One has to touch the person in a soft manner on the arm or shoulder during an interaction among urselves. You could also hold the hands to break that barrier. If you can manage all these things smoothly, now you can try to kiss your beloved on the cheek. When the lips are found near the ear, expect a gentle kiss and wait for the response from the other side. The initial step would be to look at the lips and then make eye contact. Put up a smile to exhibit your happiness.
One partner has to approach for the kiss on valentine's day. It depends on the position you are in, then you might need to turn your head accorsingly and for that matter lean across the other side as well. Use your hands to softly touch your partner's body or the head. Do not hold your partner in an uncomfortable situation. Guide him the way you want to hold your partner. Make sure that when you approach the lips you are in a comfortable position. You should maintain proper eye contact with your partner at the same time. I t will make your valentine's day more special.
First Kiss
First kiss, as the name suggests is most important time in one's life. So if it would be on valentine's day then it will remain most pleasant in your memory. The memory of first kiss is treasured by not only the girls but by the guys too. As you're totally new to kissing and have only read about it or seen others doing it, you should learn how to kiss your girl or if your are a girl then you should know how best you should reciprocate while you're being kissed. These tips are valuable not only for first time kisser but also for those who have kissed several times before. By practicing these guidelines while kissing, you can actually master the art of kissing and make it a out of the world experience.Here are some guidelines to follow while planning for your first kiss:•Selecting the right place for you first kiss is very important. Kissing your loved one or girlfriend is an intimate affair and hence it should be done in full privacy. You should look for a spot which is quite and secluded so that the two of you have nothing else to divert your attention. Kissing before audience would make you cautious and would divert your attention. While kissing just remember to be yourself, relax and take full control of the situation.•The first kiss should leave a long lasting impact on the partner and she should expect for more kisses in future from you. Though the first kiss should be sweet and brief but it should have such an impact that it leaves your partner asking for more. Do not try to a long kiss on your first attempt. It might give an unpleasant feel to your partner.•You should feel comfortable and composed immediately after the kiss otherwise it might turn out to be a rather uneasy situation for both the partners. The real situation may totally differ from what you see in movies where generally the boy declares his love for the girl and they look at each other for a long time after the first kiss. But in reality, the moment after the kiss could become very embarrassing for both the partners if the boy doesn't take control of the situation and remain calm and composed.
•Keeping your lips, teeth and mouth clean is very essential to enjoy kissing. You should try to brush before you go for your date. Carry some mint or mouth freshener so that you can chew one immediately after you eat something. Flavored gums are also very useful. The boys should specially pay attention to keep their lips soft. You can take help of lip balm for that. Just remember not to chew anything when you're kissing your girlfriend.•Since this is your first kiss, you have to give a lot to the situation and get yourself adjusted to it. Normally when two people kiss they get into a routine where they follow the steps one after the other. First the person initiating the kiss tilts his or her head on one side and the partners tilts on the opposite side. Their eyes close and lips open and the kiss begins. But it may not be the same in case of a first time kisser. Here you have to follow your partner whoever takes the initiative of kissing. It is better if you keep your eyes closed during your first kiss and be prepared to open your mouth to enjoy a titillating experience.First kisses are always very exciting. It may be your your first kiss of your life or your first kiss with your partner, first kisses will make your little nervous and you'll feel butterflies in your stomach. Just relax and remember to keep your first kiss sweet and crisp so that it becomes a memorable experience for both, you and your partner.Types of Kisses for valentine's dayKiss is something that you shall definitely want to hold dear to your heart for a long time. But are worried as to what is the art of kissing or which type of kiss shall suit you and your partner? There are varied types of kisses that have been innovated to the extent that the partners do not feel monotonous and cherishes it for a long time. Take out your own sweet time and try these varied kissing types and get mersmerised yourself on this valentine's day.
List of the types of kisses -1.Butterfly Kiss valentine's dayThe face is very close by to each other and more specifically just a breath away. You should continuously open and close the eyelids against each other. The fluterring feeling of the eyelids shall definitely create a connect in each other's heart.2.Cheek Kiss valentine's daythis kiss is just a friendly gesture to express the 'like you' feeling. For your first date, this looks to be a safe option. This process involves putting the hand on the partner's shoulders and brushing the lips over the cheeks.3.Earlobe Kiss valentine's dayOne partner can softly sip and suck the earlobe.4.Forehead Kiss valentine's dayThis is the ultimate 'motherly' kiss or 'just friends' type of kiss. It can be comforting to anyone.5.French Kiss valentine's dayThe French kiss involves your tongue while kissing your partner. Many have named it as the 'Soul Kiss' as both the partners feel the heart and the soul while kising through the tongue. But the French have named it as the 'The English Kiss'.
6.Lip Sucking Kiss valentine's dayWhile both the partners are involved in kissing, one partner may try to suck on the lower lip of the other partner. It creates a sensation and it really exciting.7.Talking Kiss valentine's daywhisper something gently into your partner's mouth. This is though not exactly a definite type of kiss but a kind of whisper.8.Tongue Sucking valentine's day
This is another type of the French kiss. While you are involved in an open-mouth kiss, softly suck your partner's tongue (don't be hard and rude). Try to make it sexy and soothing.
9.Vacuum Kiss valentine's dayBe playful while involving yourself in a vaccum kiss. During an open mouth kiss, softly suck in as if had been asked to suck the partner's mouth.10.Wake Up Kiss valentine's dayMake sure to kiss your partner before she/he gets up from sleep on the cheek. Give soft kisses till you reach the lips. This is definitely the best way to wake up your partner.French Kiss valentine's day
Where had you first seen a French kiss? You must have seen a French kiss in movies most of the times and on the dark corners of any blind end street. Is there any difference between a ordinary kiss and a french kiss? The French kiss is a more passionate gesture of the romanticism especially on valentine's day. The affection is displayed in a more serious manner. Be it in Paris or France, you can always learn how to kiss like the French, doesn't matter where you are placed.
Steps of French kissThe lips should be moistened as dry lips wouldn't allow the lips ro move well together. There has to be a light brushing of your tongue on the lips and your lips shall be moistened. But generally it is always better to use the lip balm, because any partner might go in for smooch at any point of time.1.The head should be amgled in the proper manner. Let the head be on one side as otherwise the nose might act as a barrier. Then kissing deeply wouldn't be possible. But again the heads of the two of you should be angled in the same direction. Usually the heads are angled on the right.2.The eyes should be closed while you are actually doing a deep kiss. While approaching for the kiss, make sure to look in to the eyes of your partner.It is advisable to start off with a soft closed-mouth kiss but remember that the French kiss is an open-mouth kiss. Open up the lips slowly.Tips of French kiss for valentine's day•The real explaoration should be done with the tongue. One has to enjoy the open mouth kiss to explore further with the tongue. As the tongue is realy sensitive, it might turn out to be quite alluring and pleasant.Be playful and gentle with your tongue.•Be slow and passionate. There is absolutely no need to hurry.•Have time and space of breathing. Do not gasp and run out of breath. Take small breaths with the nose while kissing.•Variety and spice is what should be added. Kiss deeper and more passionately.